About Us

How should we engage with sports?

This all starts from a pretty simple place. We love sports. We really enjoy seeing feats of athleticism. Seeing a team develop and implement an effective strategy brings a special joy. Playing a sport provides a incredible mental and physical outlet.


However, we are deeply cognizant of how destructive sports can be. Sports are both a product and driver of our broader society. With this being the case, we can see all of the ways that sports have produced significant negative consequences. 

This leaves us with a discomfort that is hard to overcome. We are left wondering how we, as informed and educated individuals, should be engaging with sports in the modern world. Join us as we try to figure it out!


Sports in Society

What to expect…

Sports in Society consists of 3 main components:

1.) A weekly podcast discussing the many ways that sports and society interact.

2.) Essays and reflections based on current events and the major themes of the project.

3.) A rubric aimed at helping us to best understand how we should be engaging with sports.


Who We Are

Our Team

We don’t have any special answers. We’re just seeking to make sense of these complex questions along with you!

Kyle Jones


Kyle grew up a big fan of baseball and still considers himself a bit of UK basketball fan. But, these days he spends most of his time shaping the young minds of tomorrow.

Brad Stephens


Brad spends his days in the world of workforce development, but he will always think of his first love, ultimate frisbee. You can often finding him savoring UVA’s March Madness run and wishing for better for Arsenal.